Cockroach Control St George

Cockroach Control St George

cockroach control St George

Cockroaches are nocturnal and hide during the day. They love dark tight compacted spaces and clutter is their best friend. At night they are in search of food and can live on glue from cardboard, hair, paper, plants, and filth.  Cockroaches love moisture and available food.

The common Roaches in Utah are German roaches who typically live inside the walls, along with Oriental, Brown-banded, and American Cockroaches. 

Why are cockroaches pEsts?

Cockroaches cause problems

Cockroaches are the most common household pest in Utah. They leave an unpleasant odor, spread disease, contaminate food areas, and can cause skin allergies. 

Cockroaches are quick colonizers

Roaches must be eradicated as soon as possible because they are prolific breeders. Once a colony of roaches has been established in the home, they will continue to spread until they are forced to leave, or are killed. Large numbers of roaches will live in a small area. The average roach infested household holds over 20,000 roaches. Roaches rarely come out of their hiding spots so if you can see them that means there is no room for them elsewhere. For every roach seen there are 200 more. Cockroaches can be a major issue when in apartment buildings because they can move from one unit to the next. 

Cockroaches are persistent

Cockroaches are always on the lookout for a new hiding place to start a colony, and human homes make perfect refuges for cockroaches. Roaches will use plumbing or electrical lines to enter a home. Roaches can also be brought into homes from grocery bags, cardboards boxes when moving or to-go boxes from restaurants. 

Cockroach Control St George Services

Cockroach Control St George may require multiple visits due to these pests stubborn nature. We use multiple techniques to get rid of roaches including, exclusion, different gels, sprays (repellant and non-repellant) and IGR’s (insect growth regulators). Together we can get a handle on your roach infestation.

Let's put the pests to rest!