Pigeon Exterminator St George
Pigeon exterminator St George

Pigeons have become more of a prevalent issue in Southern Utah in recent years.
The area’s rapid growth has created a viable habitat for these scavenging birds. Pigeons eat scraps, roost almost anywhere, and are experts at finding water sources. Not only is their presence a nuisance but it can lead to more birds, a build up feces, diseases, and sicknesses.
Why is the Pigeon a pEst?
Pigeons carry diseases and parasites
Pigeons destory property
Imagine a rat with wings, and you basically have a wild pigeon. You wouldn’t let a wild rat near you because you know that rodents can carry diseases and parasites. Most people would even be skeptical of letting a wild dog or cat near them for the same reason. Well, pigeons are just as bad, and maybe even worse. Pigeons are known carriers of histoplasmosis and avian flu and may carry more diseases than mice.
Pigeons spend a lot of time on the ground picking through trash and other dirty areas in search of food. Because of this, they expose themselves to parasitic pests likes mites, fleas, lice and ticks. When a pigeon lands on your home, it can carry an entire invading force with it. Letting pigeons linger on your roof can lead to a bird mite or other infestation in your home. These parasitic bugs will bite and infect you.
Pigeons will roost wherever they can, and are known for being very messy. Allowing pigeons to roost above your door, in your eaves, even on your roof opens you up to property damages. It won’t be long before you have pigeon poop coating everything. It can be difficult to clean off damaging to both auto and house paint.
Pigeons are persistent
There are many breeds of pigeons in the world, and one of the most famous domesticated breeds is the Carrier Pigeon. Also known as the Homing Pigeon, these remarkable birds are known to be able to find their way back to their roost from anywhere in the world. However, this amazing ability isn’t isolated to the Carrier Pigeon. Most pigeons have a similar, if weaker sense of direction, and they use it to pin point and return to the places where they remember living. This is why keeping pigeons off of your property is so important, because once they mark your home as their home, they will keep coming coming back.
Only proper pigeon exterminator St George services can keep these pests from taking over your property.
Pigeon Exterminator St George Services
If Pigeons are stooping on your property, the best thing to do is call an expert and remove these pests immediately. Pigeons have a great memory and so they must be excluded from the home as opposed to trapped and removed. “Excluding” is the process of making your home and property pigeon proof. Like all flying pests, it is nearly impossible to stop them from entering your property, however, it is possible to stop them from staying on your property. With help from Salisbury Pest Solutions, we can use our pigeon exterminator St George methods to make your home uninhabitable for these feathery fiends.
When treating for pigeons there are several different methods that are considered in managing a pigeon intrusion. We use various chemical and non-chemical techniques to get rid of these birds. Our pigeon exterminator St George methos include: exclusion, gels, repellants, habitat modification, baits, and trapping.